My Be-loving Family

My Be-loving Family

Sunday, December 27, 2009

Hospital visitation

Soooo happy, today we do a very good thing,..
We have hospital visitation today,
I feel good; I like to have this experience,
I like to share with people about how God do thing for me, what He done on my life, how He heal my parents, what He a give me…

one night, i slept until mid night then suddenly awake, and a picture come out from my mind,
I feel sad because when Jesus second time come to the world, mean that the end of the world is coming, all living will be die…
I feel sad no because of I will die and leave the world,
I feel sad only because of in the heaven only I meet is out of Islam people…
I feel sad that we only can bring people who are non Islam…
While all the Islam people we can’t meet on the heaven…
Sad =(

everyday i think about it, i don't what i want to do, just know i always take a very long long time think this kind of thing...

But today I feel good, because I peace gospel to two Malay woman,
I can see that they are hopeless, they are sad, feel their life is not meaningful; they are totally given up with their life…
This two woman have canceled, I heard from them, they feel life is bitterness…
They feel like waiting to die only…
Oh!!! No, I can’t see them continue give up with their life,
Though sick, but I believe that they still can do something, I cant see them waste their time to think negative…
So I pray before I talk to them, I pray for God wisdom upon me, so that I know how to comfort them with the right way… thanks God guide me and bless me a smooth tongue to talk to them, God wanted me to share my testimony to them, so I go ahead…
I tell them about my daddy story, I tell how God heal my daddy… how bad when my daddy don’t know God, what was happen to my daddy before I accepted Christ…
I really give thanks a lot to God, He give me a better life. God is great, He loves us so much…
Pastor Peach to us before, he say:”ask and receive, any problem just surrender to God, He will help us to solve the entire problem”. That is no reason why God do that. Just because of a father love their children so He does everything to them… a super super simply reason…

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