My Be-loving Family

My Be-loving Family

Saturday, July 24, 2010

I need God GUIDANCE.

Lord, I am crying every day, every night, every time…..

I hate doughnut, really hate it so much. My heart like doughnut; so empty inside there; unbelievable empty.

Crying make me feel tired, but should I do except crying out everything to you.

I really don’t know how to speak out my sadness.

Lord, not that I want to think too negative, it is life force me, is the worse situation force me.

Lord, you send a spiritual family, give me hope, make me depend on there, there I get love and learn to love others. But the same, I get a deep hurt from there as well.

Lord, unforeseen love, care, concern and support make sad, deeper and deeper sad.

Lord, is it my problem is too much make people around don’t know how to close with me; don’t know how to communicate with me?

Lord, I am carrying a lot of gifts; it is too heavy for me.

No matter how brave I am, how much faith I have, how much hope I put… it is always not enough for me to facing the GIANTS in front of me.

Lord, guide me; I am so lost in my way. I really don’t know how to be a daughter of parents, a sister for all younger brother and sister, a student at college, a senior for junior, a good believer for church.

Friday, July 23, 2010


妈妈, 我从来没有抱怨过家里没给我什么,真的没抱怨过。



总是告诉自己要坚强,这样才能自持家人。说真的,我好想念牧师面对面地开导,但我无法向她开口,想念组长像以前一样的陪伴,但难言以对。现时让我无法像大家一样自由自在地过着每一天,请您相信我是孤单一个人面对家里所有的问题,我勇敢地面对着现时的事实。这一路来都是靠着上帝给的精神支助 ,全靠他我带着笑容度过每一天,读好自己的书,搞好自己的学业。爸爸妈妈弟弟妹妹都有我可哭诉,而我呢?谁来听我哭诉?我只有一个看不到却感觉得到的上帝可让我哭诉。全凭他的陪伴我度过那一度又一度的难关。是否很勇敢呢?真的很希望你们能像我一样勇敢地面对障碍。



my heart words

爸爸肾脏病,妈妈糖尿病严重影响视力,妹妹病开始反作用了,弟弟跟我又没事没事气喘,爸爸生意不顺,性格暴躁,常和妈妈争执,搞到妈妈常想不开。 妈妈的哭泣弟弟妹妹的恐惧使我好无助,真的很无助,再加上经济的逼迫,然我感到生活好压力,上帝呀!帮帮我,我好难受...
爸爸常抱怨,不肯吃药,让我们过着担心害怕的每一天, 害怕爸爸的离开,担心妈妈想不开。为了让他们更坚强,我不应许自己跌倒,从不应许放弃这两个字从口而出。问题一天比一天多,压力也一天比一天重。渴望上帝的帮助越多,失望也更多,越想得到的越无法得到它。爸爸的工人骗了一笔钱跑了,爸爸的捕鱼船撞到邻居的家,培了钱又搞到大家关系破破裂裂,吵吵闹闹地每一天。

My negative thinking

Daddy, i am so suffer now a days, you know??
A lot of things I cant explain.
Inside the heart is so empty and helpless...

Feel like climbing on the big mountain, swimming on the super deep sea, walking on the very dark jungle...
I am breathless all my time, lost my way actually, but scare to fall down in front of people. Feel suffer to be strong, but I have no more choose, I must be like that, feel unbalance when people telling me that they are suffer, they are helpless, they are hopeless, they are sad, etc etc....

Wish to let them know, actually my heart like them also, but i no dare to speak out. They need people comfort, they need people help, need people concern, need people give them love and support them to go over come the challenges. There is a easier way for my to speak God words, i cannot let go the chances. But God, I am so tired.

Lord, i wish to have a people come to me and speak me God word also, but why so less people will know my need? Why my way always so lonely. Why I cannot see people that you send to me?

Lord, a lot "why" inside my heart.
My heart had broken.
there was a very big scar inside there, a big hurt inside.
Can tell me i get harm from where?

Lord, please speak to me... please
Guide me...